The Changing Face Of Social Media Marketing by Mitch Joel

Avatar Posted by ShashiBellamkonda under Social Media
From 5328 days ago
Made Hot by: on December 28, 2009 8:07 am
Mitch Joel's commentary on a Emarketer article about Social Media spend in 2010:

"Overall, eMarketer predicts US online social network ad spending will reach more than $1.21 billion in 2009, an increase of 3.9% over last year. 2010 will see stronger growth of 7.1%. With total US online ad spending falling this year, the increase in social network spending also means the sites will account for a greater share of the total, at 5.4%. However, those figures only include paid advertising efforts, which represent just a fraction of all spending.

What is your business or company planning to do in 2010 ?


Written by lyceum
5328 days ago

Shashi: It will be interesting to follow the development of social network ad spending, but also the increased time spent on social media marketing. I am reading Mitch Joel's book, Six Pixels of Separation, at the moment.

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