These 2 Facebook Myths could Ruin your Business!

Avatar Posted by JasonHJH under Social Media
From 3797 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on March 8, 2014 2:36 am
Thankfully, after sharing about the worst advice on Facebook Marketing in January, a lot of those negative buzz have gone away.

But there remains a few black sheep among all of us - that also includes our inner black sheep, the desire to cheat the system just so that we can get quick and dirty results that make us look better for the time being.


Written by viclogic
3794 days ago

Facebook is not already strict with their Contest guideline. So business can indeed leverage it to promote your business.

Written by kapilbjindal10
3794 days ago

How will organizing a contest will help a blogger get more traffic?

Written by JasonHJH
3794 days ago

Blogger? Where will your contest be hosted?

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