These 3 Small Businesses Rock Twitter

Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From 3269 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on August 17, 2015 10:15 am
Whenever I talk to entrepreneurs about Twitter, two questions keep coming back: “Why should I use it?” and “What are the benefits for my business?”

My answer always goes like this: “Many of your potential customers are there.” Just do a Twitter Search and you will understand what I mean.

Twitter also has some great features like Lists and Chats (through hashtags) that, if used well, will allow any business to increase its visibility without spending a fortune.

Most importantly, Twitter provides a proximity, immediacy, and ability to connect with others that are unparalleled. I have never experienced that with Facebook.

How can you take advantage of that proximity and immediacy, exactly? Let me show you with three examples. These small businesses do a great job with their Twitter presences!


Written by lyceum
3264 days ago

Cendrine: I will send you a friendly reminder in a couple of weeks! Thank you so much! :)

Written by iamdurga
3267 days ago

Hello @cendrinemedia. When we talk about social media promotions, Twitter has the best priority. It's because it has more active users for all kind of businesses. Your examples worth consideration. Yes, It has various features where we can communicate with other users and make them aware about our call. Thanks for this practical example.

Written by cendrinemedia
3264 days ago


Written by lyceum
3267 days ago

Cendrine: Great examples on how to use Twitter in your daily business activities. Do you have an example for a tea enthusiast? ;) I like to test out Blue Bottle Coffee someday...

Written by cendrinemedia
3264 days ago

No I don't. But if you remind me in a couple of weeks, I can try and find something. I can't guarantee anything, though. :-)

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