The latest Twitter faux pas: Ashton Kutcher’s tweet in defense of fired Penn State coach Joe Paterno. In his defense, Kutcher said that he didn’t know the real reason behind the firing before tweeting his outrage. His PR team will now provide editorial oversight on Kutcher’s tweets.

Whether you’re a celebrity or a business professional, tweeting without thinking can seriously impact your online reputation. What can you learn from this and how can you avoid your own “tweet first, think later” PR mishap? Here are several tips for managing your online reputation.

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Written by ivanwalsh
4641 days ago

I think Ashton was naive more than anything but even so people in his position need to be very careful what they say as it's scrutinized more intensely.

Written by HeatherStone
4641 days ago

Great post, Patrice! And great advice on how to prevent an awesome marketing and networking tool from being your brand's undoing. There's a fine line between being responsive and being reckless.

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