Twitter For Business

Avatar Posted by CindyKing under Social Media
From 5165 days ago
Made Hot by: marciabiz on June 6, 2010 6:12 am
A Twitter resource for businesses to learn how to start a Twitter marketing and Twitter networking plan with a tweet plan and strategic networking.


Written by billrice
5163 days ago

Another typical winning post with lots of smart ideas. I love the concept of the Tweet plan especially.

Written by GlobalReach
5165 days ago

Fantastic post, Cindy. A wealth of insight here for those just getting started as well as business professionals who have been at it a while. Plus, great comments from Shawn about using Twitter "small talk" to stay active and connected with your audience. Thanks for sharing!

Written by lyceum
5165 days ago

Cindy: I am interested in learning more about how you are using Twitter as a "strategic networking tool to build your international business network."

Written by ShawnHessinger
5165 days ago

Great post and observations on Twitter, Cindy. What many people seem not to get about the platform is the networking potential instead trying to promote a single link to their network, post offers about their business or whatever. Certainly we all find links to valuable information through Twitter and this is how some ideas "go viral," but, in terms of a plan for marketing your business, the idea, as with LinkedIn, is more about the connections. One of the reasons people are often confounded by posts about what someone had for lunch is that they misunderstand that all of this is incidental but has to do with maintaining visibility to your network once you are connected. (It's like making small talk at a chamber of commerce function instead of just walking away from another person after you've been introduced.) Of course, a better strategy, as with the LinkedIn update feature, is to share valuable information with your network. This way providing information of value becomes part of your brand and you stay in the front of people's minds instead of being that person they can't even recall having connected to a month from now.

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