Video Chat Separates Google Plus From Facebook And Twitter

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Social Media
From 4246 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on December 13, 2012 1:29 pm
Okay, name the last time you had a video chat using your social networking account on Facebook and Twitter. No, no, fancy add-ons don’t count. Just straight video chat without having to put in the extra effort. Anyone? Anyone?

Well, so long Facebook and Twitter, GooglePlus just took the lead.


Written by adukes81
4242 days ago

With video becoming more and more popular I think the Hangout feature could really separate G+ form Facebook/Twitter. I have yet see the Hangout feature, but am planning on doing a weekly show on social media in 2013.

Written by elainerogers
4246 days ago

Fair play to leading people (such as Alicia) to take on social networking and make good and productive use of it. I have seen a lot of passive aggressive bullying also, so it's nice to see positivity.

Google+ and hangouts have been "hanging" for a while, but you are right Ann, they seem to be taking off slowly slowly, but surely :)

Written by lyceum
4246 days ago

I participated in a Hangout at a media fair some time ago. We were invited to "hang out" in Google+'s booth and demonstrating how to use video chats and at the same time promote our upcoming unconference (potluck conference), WebCoast. Google was one of our sponsors of WebCoast. I am waiting to see that hangouts will be used more in future, e.g., as an alternative to Twitter chats.

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