Anyway, I digress. My point is, I'm trying to find all these people and places and bands and I can't find 90% of them because...they just don't have a Facebook Page. This baffles me. Facebook has been around for so long, yet SO many people have yet to set up a Facebook Page for their band, organization, etc.


Written by ShawnHessinger
4941 days ago

Hi Morgan,

Think the point is not so much being dedicated to Facebook or any particular social media platform but the idea that online as off it is necessary to be where your customers can find you. Great content on your own Website is great, but Facebook and other similar social media platforms (including BizSugar! :) are the best way of promoting this content to a growing community.

Written by LWatrous
4946 days ago

I've been on facebook since it was available for students only. I neglected it because at the time I was an online student, with a child and few friends who even qualified to join the network. In the beginning, I didn't quite get what the deal was. Several years later, I find myself saying the same thing to many people and business owners I know.

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