You’re Using Twitter The Wrong Way

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under Social Media
From 4749 days ago
Made Hot by: maplesummit on September 1, 2011 4:00 pm
We can start to look at Twitter through a different lens. Rather than seeing it as a place to pass the time, it becomes an instrument to network more effectively. What’s wrong with that


Written by Christine L.
4736 days ago

Interesting points. And in fact, if someone tweets a pressing need, I help when I can, and if I can't, I always retweet it. I hadn't thought of this being the biggest Twitter takeaway, but it makes sense.

Written by Patricia Worth
4736 days ago

Hello Ivan. I am hearing a lot these days about 'solving a problem' - and it makes such sense. There's no other way to make it online, and if you want followers, THAT'S what you gotta do.

Written by Zootsinfo
4746 days ago

After reading an article about twitter, there are many way of using twitter, not only make connection,lead to the people, grow business but also can do more other thing in twitter, like ivan did in his twitter

Written by jfk00ca
4747 days ago

Excellent point Ivan. But there is a need to be authentic / somewhat subtle ... I've had people use this tactic to "sell" me something and their posts came across as crass attempt to take advantage of keywords I'd just tweeted about. I usually block & report as spam people who do that (esp. when they have no followers and you can see from their profile that they are only using Twitter as a new spam platform). It is interesting though that people on Twitter are highly receptive to receiving info from people they don't know, compared to email where they would be furious to get an even marginally self-promotional message.

Written by The Bad Blogger
4747 days ago

Just to let you know I have left a comment on the post and had learn something new I didn't know about, and know I can know who is talking about me online :)

Written by businessavante
4749 days ago

Hi Ivan - very interesting piece.

If Chris Brogan follows 80,000 people, I figured out that: if each person only tweets once a month, he has to see 2,667 tweets a day, or 111 an hour - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, w/o sleep just to keep up (just under 2 a minute, every minute). But if all of them tweet 4 times a day, now it's 13,333 per hour every hour non-stop (222 a minute, every minute, every day). It'd be pretty hard to keep up with that!


Written by ivanwalsh
4747 days ago

Good point, Duncan.

He seems to have moved to Google Plus now ;)

Written by nialldevitt
4749 days ago

As usual, great post, Ivan! Twitter for me has replaced cold-calling, where before I would have picked up the phone to try and make contact, I now RT/engage with them on Twitter. I also use the DM facility a lot taking online conversations offline as soon as I can.

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