Ageless Entrepreneur Shows It's Never Too Late

Ageless Entrepreneur Shows It\'s Never Too Late - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Startups
From 3344 days ago
Made Hot by: profmarketing on May 7, 2015 11:17 am
The Problem: It’s a Battle of the Ages
In marketing and in business, age is often seen as a negative. If you get too old, you need to retire. If you are too young, you don’t have experience. Millennials are addicted to social media and Baby Boomers are addicted to the “good old days”. In the job market, Millennials are often pitted against older generations, who have more experience. On a larger scale, companies who have been around for a long time are battling start-ups for the hearts and minds of customers who don’t see business the way older generations did.
Not a happy picture, is it?


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