How To Counter a Negative Report on Your Startup

How To Counter a Negative Report on Your Startup - Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From 3928 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on October 8, 2013 12:20 pm
Every startup fears that one angry and unfair customer who can jeopardize the business by a negative post on Ripoff Report, Yelp, or one of the hundreds of other consumer complaint and review sites on the Internet. Most entrepreneurs don’t even know how to keep track of what people are saying about them on the web, much less how to respond or remove it.


Written by tiroberts
3926 days ago

Great article. It's important for SMB to take charge of their image and make a strong brand for themselves.

Written by kingofcontent92
3926 days ago

I am so grateful for this contributor.

I know people are sometimes "unfair" especially when it comes to money. Their are many envious person which can ruin your beloved business in second. But thanks to this very post, it taught me to counter "haters" so we wont fall to there dark schemes.

Written by agriyanews
3926 days ago

Hey its useful for online reputation management . Thanks for sharing this :)

Written by HeatherStone
3926 days ago

Hi Martin,

You make the point, "Your reputation is your responsibility." So true. The biggest problem with so many entrepreneurs -- so many people really -- is that they allow others to control their story.

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