Is 'hustle' a new buzzword now?

Is \'hustle\' a new buzzword now?  - Avatar Posted by MashaKaran under Startups
From 2867 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on August 28, 2016 9:45 am
Chris Rock has a hilarious bit about the ridiculous negative stereotypes that some parents use to qualify their parenting skills.
As an example, he riffs on phrases some parents might say like, “I take care of my kids” as if this is some great accomplishment, to which Rock’s exasperated response is, “Well duh, you dumb mothaf***a. You’re SUPPOSED to take care of your kids!”

It’s forehead-smackingly obvious, right?

Well this level of “No Shit, Sherlock” is the point at which I feel the state of entrepreneurial thought has devolved to — especially the constant emphasis on “hustle.”


Written by tiroberts
2858 days ago

I wouldn't say hustle is a new word.

Written by lyceum
2865 days ago

Thought for thought. I am listening to #AskGaryVee's audio book right now, so this post comes handy! ;)

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