Lead Follow or Get the HELL Out of the Way!

Lead Follow or Get the HELL Out of the Way!  - http://www.canuckseo.com Avatar Posted by JVRudnick under Startups
From http://www.canuckseo.com 4050 days ago
Made Hot by: PublicImageLtd on June 6, 2013 5:27 am
It seems to me that lately I’ve been innundated with startup entrepreneurs who are having issues with what it means to be an entrepreneur! How so?

Well through the week I’m often at the Innovation Destination milieu, at our beautiful McMaster Innovation Park where startup entrepreneurs drop by on a daily basis. Not all or even a major number wander over to say “hi” and ask for some advice/counsel…but the ocasional one does in an off-hand sort of way….as when I ask “what’s new” I usually then get a list of current issues, problems and crossroads that they’re facing…


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