100 Ethical, Sustainable & Eco-friendly Cost Saving Tips for Business

Avatar Posted by elishbul under Strategy
From http://tweakyourbiz.com 4259 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on November 30, 2012 1:26 pm
A No Brainer Guide to staying on the Green and Narrow. We present green, ethical and eco-friendly business practices as a sure route to sustainable business, cost-savings, improving profitability, lowering carbon taxes, raising productivity and meeting eco-targets. The biggest benefit of all? It’s good for everyone.


Written by elainerogers
4253 days ago

Elish, Christina:

A highly interesting read, I couldn't click any of the "links" or I wouldn't get to the end!!

There are just so many ideas in there for business and home use, bound to be something everyone hadn't thought of before - a fantastic resource to bookmark/evernote.

Thank you Elish and Christina - an EPIC post and very timely :-)

Written by Sian Phillips
4259 days ago

Well done ladies. I read it from top to bottom and found it all fascinating. I realised I do some of the tips but certainly not enough. I will be more conscious in future and check back here to see what I should be doing. Thanks for all your hard work putting this together.

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