5 Dos of blog traffic

Avatar Posted by adetechblog under Strategy
From http://www.adetechblog.com 3950 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on October 4, 2013 7:48 am
Many bloggers quit not because of any other thing except quality traffic, either from search engine of refer traffic; there is no other reason that bloggers can really prove why they stop blogging if not for traffic, some don't give a damn of whether they monetize their blogs or not with Google AdSense since there are other method that can still be used to monetize their blog.


Written by kingofcontent92
3947 days ago

These 5 do's of a blogger is great. Advice like this encourage everyone to sit down and think for a bit before starting your line up in your blog. Plus, to those who are aiming to be top blogger of the century, it says "NEVER GIVE UP", you will never know when the "write" time will hit you.

Written by adetechblog
3943 days ago

Hi King,

I quite believe your point because a winner never quit and a quitter never win.

Written by robiethebuilder
3949 days ago

Agreed on "2. Write effectively" If you were unable to write engaging posts your blog will be left out in the dusts.

Written by adetechblog
3943 days ago

Thank you for your contribution, effective is exactly doing what is right at the right time.

Written by bigmoneyweb
3949 days ago

The one thing every internet marketer and blogger is always craving for is traffic because, its they life blood of any online business. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by adetechblog
3943 days ago

Thanks for reading through Val.

Written by BizRock
3950 days ago

Excellent advice.I agree with all you said in this article. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Written by adetechblog
3943 days ago

Hi Biz,

Thank for your point which really serve as a recommendation.

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