9 Ways To Decide What You Should Sell

Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Strategy
From http://www.smallbizresource.com 5510 days ago
Made Hot by: mssux on June 25, 2009 4:31 pm
Are you thinking about launching a new business? Do you have some new product or service you want to sell? Are you pretty sure the product or service will be a big hit if you can get enough money to get started, or get the time and resources together to add it to your existing offerings?


Written by ShawnHessinger
5510 days ago

A couple of things are important to point out here:

1. It can be very hard to profile the potential users or consumers of a new product (Flickr was created as part of an online gaming product but later became more popular than the online game itself)

2. It is important to sell a product people want but it may be more important at first to do the research necessary to learn what this might be. Often this is done not so much by surveys or looking at trends but by finding a niche of people that is a good fit for your passions and abilities and slowly finding ways to meet their needs.

3. Keeping the level of investment down and attempting to bootstrap using revenue to grow a business can be the best way to avoid costly mistakes.

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