Achieve Your Goals by Putting Them Online

Avatar Posted by roseanderson under Strategy
From 5533 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 5, 2009 2:38 pm
Nothing will motivate you to achieve your goals like making other people aware of the specifics of what you're aiming to accomplish. At least for me, the threat of public shame is a great tool you can use to prevent yourself from giving up on your dreams. Making others aware of your plans also has the added benefit of potentially providing you with great feedback about how you might best go about carrying through with them, too. The web is a great place to publicize your professional goals, especially if that's where you do the bulk of your work. But just tweeting your aim doesn't mean it'll come through. As with most things, a plan will help increase your chances of success.


Written by aliciatrinidad
5531 days ago

Yes. Exactly! There's a little pressure on your part but sometimes we have to feel that so we'll persevere more in achieving those goals.

Written by stillwagon428
5533 days ago

Having other people keep you accountable for your goals is a great motivator.

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