Delegate and Outsource for a Balanced Life

Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Strategy
From 5534 days ago
Made Hot by: on June 5, 2009 5:03 am
Balance Your Life by Delegating and Outsourcing

It's time to reflect on how you've felt over the last few months or years. Are you constantly tired? Do the piles of work seem never-ending? Are you feeling too busy?

If this is the case, you'll find that it is time for some serious changes in how you work. You need balance in your life! One way of discovering work-life balance is to enlist the help of others.


Written by stillwagon428
5533 days ago

I'm a control freak and I wish I could learn to get over that more. I have a hard time asking anyone to do something for me without worrying if it was done right. My husband keeps telling me to hire a house cleaner but I just can't get myself to do it just yet. Maybe someday...

Written by roseanderson
5533 days ago

Oh my... I really hope Amanda you will soon be able to let go of that... I too have that same feeling before if I delegate tasks to others. But that was then. Now, I can see a lot better results. Just make sure you provide them with your guidance.

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