Theory X is the view that traditional management has taken towards the workforce. Many organisations are now taking the enlightened view of theory Y. A boss can be viewed as taking the theory X approach, while a leader takes the theory Y approach. With the onslaught of B2B social media, and the break down of formal business approach, business is also being conducted more around Theory Y than old school Theory X.

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Written by nialldevitt
4498 days ago

Hi Elaine, welcome back and this is a really interesting piece. I was particularly interesting in your last point, that social media is encouraging managers to conduct business around Theory Y rather than old school Theory X. This resonates strongly with me, can I suggest it deserves a follow up post?

Written by elainerogers
4497 days ago

Thanks Niall, I am refreshed and ready for that follow up post. I would love some feedback in the comments here to give me some guidance as to the content of the follow up.

Perhaps something around our attitude towards conducting ourselves both online and offline as employers/managers? As a consequence of traceability and transparency (with the constant "threat" of exposure if we do not conduct ourselves properly).

And how our recent behavioural changes have or have not been influenced by the more recent theorists/experts in the areas of SM and SN?

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