Review of Escape from Cubicle Nation

Avatar Posted by ritchelalms under Strategy
From 5513 days ago
Made Hot by: patrick on June 23, 2009 4:14 pm
A few years ago I stumbled onto a website called “Escape from Cubicle Nation.” At the time I remember thinking, 'this is the BEST name' for a target audience of corporate employees longing to start (or who had recently started) businesses of their own.

I could identify with it. After all, I once had been in cubicle nation and left to start my own business. How well I knew the feeling that the name evoked — it truly felt like an escape.

Eventually I “met” the owner of that website, a former corporate trainer by the name of Pam Slim, virtually over the Web. For the past several years I have enjoyed reading online her outlook on life and business.


Written by q4sales
5512 days ago

Great overview. I'm heading out to get the book on my way home.

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