The four best pieces of business advice I ever got

Avatar Posted by Dagmar_R under Strategy
From 3228 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on September 30, 2015 7:31 am
In the course of our working life, we sometimes come across some words of wisdom and advice that simply stick. They give us guidance and help us to overcome obstacles. In this post, I share the four most valuable pieces of advice that helped me in my professional development.


Written by lyceum
3222 days ago

Dagmar: Thanks for your reply. The question is: what's the solution to "your" problem?

Written by lyceum
3223 days ago

Dagmar: Which is your favorite of these four?

Written by Dagmar_R
3223 days ago


My favourite is the last one – Make it your problem!

I wish more managers would adopt this type of leadership style.

Written by HeatherStone
3228 days ago

Hi Dagmar,

My favorite has got to be the suggestion not to come up with problems. However, it has been my experience that true entrepreneurs rarely do. Instead, that attitude, as you've observed, often springs from dysfunctional work environments.

Written by Dagmar_R
3228 days ago

Heather, I totally agree with you. Unfortunately, sometimes people are virtually trained to think in problems instead of in solutions.

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