you’ve set your sites any higher than one little promotion, good enough doesn’t make it easy to keep going. Good enough just makes you the lowest common denominator — it makes you just like everyone else.


Written by yoni67
4833 days ago

Thursday (I love that name, it's so cool!),

Fresh out of college at WVU (aside from only needing a 700 SAT for entrance, in many ways it resembled a college :)), I started working in my field (my previous, ancient field) of Psychology at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore Md. I started writing up patient reports. I did them as comprehensively as possible, not skipping any details. I wanted as much useful info as posssible in order to benefit those in my care. My reports were often 2-3 pages.

After about a week, my co-workers called me for a sit-down. They told me my reports were too long. "Too long," I asked. They said that I was making them look bad. I asked to see their reports. Some were a few lines long, some, a few paragraphs. Making them look bad meant letting others see the shortcomings in their work and their real fear was that they would be forced to work harder. Actually to do their jobs according to requirement. It was my first taste of "good enough vs done correctly."


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