Want A Good Employer Brand? Get Your Onboarding Right

Avatar Posted by BChignell under Strategy
From http://www.ciphr.com 3769 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on April 4, 2014 4:58 pm
Wikipedia defines 'onboarding' as "the mechanism through which new employees acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective organizational members and insiders".
Onboarding isn't just about getting the employee through the door on their first date, it includes everything from the first update through social media to the employees end of probation, and sometimes beyond.
Not planning your onboarding process, or worse still, not having a structured onboarding program will damage your employer brand, as well as the effectiveness of new employees.


Written by BChignell
3764 days ago

It is indeed, thanks for the comment.

Written by tiroberts
3765 days ago

It's important to business a good and strong brand when first starting out. Thanks for sharing with us.

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