Moving On Up – My 2012 Adventures

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Success Stories
From 4226 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on January 1, 2013 10:12 am
In the last year that everything has fallen in to place and the most amazing things have happened to me in my professional life. Read on to see what has happened


Written by FrederiqueMurphy
4223 days ago

Hi Sián, what a great post!!! You know, as I always say it ;-) how important it is to reflect and pause to then jump forward, and this is a great way of doing it; it is very you, very humble, very authentic, and very giving, you see, very you! I am truly honoured to be mentioned, and I do cherish the day we stumbled onto each other on Twitter.

Written by tiroberts
4224 days ago

Great post, Sian. You've had some wonderful experiences this year and I'm sure many more new experiences await you in 2013. I'm glad to have met you and work along side you as a BizSugar moderator. Connecting with you and reading your writings has been a true pleasure I wish you much continued success!


Written by smallbiztrends
4225 days ago

What an awesome New Year's reflection and resolutions post, Sian. We are so happy you are part of the BizSugar and Tweak Your Biz "family." Lots of great relationships have started and grown out of mere websites. It's because there are people who make up a vibrant website - people who care.

- Anita

Written by tcamba
4225 days ago

Hi Sian, wishing you a prosperous New Year this 2013!!! :)

P.S. Love the last pic with your dogs! So ASTIG, in english, EPICLY COOL!

The countryside is awesome, isn't it?

Written by lyceum
4226 days ago

Sian: Thank you very much for sharing your story! Have a prosperous New Year! :) Talk to you next year! ;)

Written by Herby
4226 days ago

Hi Sian, we all make mistakes and it's just like you said, as long as you learn from them there is nothing to worry about. I am glad to hear that things are looking up for your company. Please know that I ll be following your steps and probably steal some of your tactics. :) thanks for sharing and Happy Holidays!.

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