So-Called "Amazon Tax" Threatening IN and FL Small Businesses

Avatar Posted by prussakov under Taxes
From 4188 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on February 8, 2013 12:30 am
While the mass media focuses their "analyses" on Amazon, (a) it isn't Amazon, but in-state consumers who will have to pay the tax, and (b) it isn't Amazon (alone) who will suffer, but thousands of small businesses run by Indiana- and Florida-based affiliate marketers. We've seen major e-tailers terminate relationships with in-state affiliates (when laws like these were passed), devoiding them of a large portion of income, in the past.


Written by prussakov
4187 days ago

Only a federal solution can put an end to this.

Written by lyceum
4187 days ago

When is it time to promote free trade between different states?

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