Tax Benefits of a Home Office

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Taxes
From 4916 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on February 12, 2011 11:03 pm
If you are planning on working from home you should know about these tax benefits for having a home office. Here is what you should know about the benefits of a home office that go beyond the casual dress code and ability to make a snack run to the refrigerator with ease.


Written by seltzer04
4910 days ago

nice reminder as tax season rolls around... never thought of deducting the actual physical space of a home office!

Written by ShawnHessinger
4913 days ago

Making sure you cover all the bases for tax deductions is extremely important. Make sure you understand the IRS regulations for what you can and cannot deduct for an office located in your home. It's quite surprising sometimes the things you can include as business expenses.

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