Bloggers have this need to blog about something interesting almost instantly. With services like Twitter (microblogging) and Instagram (photo blogging), things have been made simpler but then, for those who are really passionate about the long-form, the desktop/PC is the best choice.


Written by ObjectOriented
4202 days ago

I am an Android user too. I wish there were apps for Android users and not just for iPhone users. :(

Written by BizRock
4206 days ago

I am an android user but this list will help a few of my friends when I recommend them! :)

Thank you for sharing here at Bizsugar!

Written by AmitShaw
4205 days ago

Thanks BizRock :)

Written by AmitShaw
4206 days ago

Glad You liked the article Valentine :) Thanks.

Written by bigmoneyweb
4206 days ago

For busy bloggers, it is often very difficult to manage their work on the go. Turning on a laptop or desktop just to keep check on things is a difficult task as compared to doing the same on an iPhone. Thanskf for sharing.

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