You think Business Technology is the greatest thing since sliced bread? The iPhone? The iPad?

Well I'm here to tell you...they are becoming self-aware! They are becoming Artificially Intelligent!

And they will kill us all!


Written by 708media
4965 days ago

Great read. Very comical. I have to say though, as an IT person, I can not live without my Android phone and laptop.

Written by yoni67
4965 days ago


Thanks for the props. Glad you enjoyed!


Written by Portfolio33
5009 days ago

Yoni-Loved your article but hated 'Cell'. I'm a lifetime King fan but found it to be one of his few disappointments. As far as your article goes it was an excellent addition.

Written by yoni67
5009 days ago


Confession time on my part: I've never read the book. I dropped Stephen King from my reading-list several years back when it started becoming the same-old-same-old. I chose "Cell" only because it fit neatly into the "technology takes over" mold.

Thanks for reading and commenting!


Written by bangs.garcia
5009 days ago

Interesting post there Yoni, I cant imagine myself living without a cellphone and laptop. Your so unique.

Written by yoni67
5009 days ago


I had a cell phone for six months back in the early part of the millenium. It broke and I've NEVER been even tempted to replace it!

Thanks for stopping by.


Written by businessavante
5009 days ago

Interesting Yoni! My take is similar, with 2 differences:

1. While there may have been a time when politicians & businesspeople "seemed" honest, no such time actually ever existed - human nature. (Some are honest, some not.)

2. I've commented on this before - computer intelligence ain't! No need to worry about computers becoming sentient. Google something specific - you get millions of idiotic "results", and little if any good info.

I still have a "dumb" phone, too - (and yes, I realize the article is satirical - but the last worry I'd Ever have is of machines taking over).


Written by businessavante
5008 days ago

You're right about 1 thing, Yoni - Google, Amazon & eBay are evil in that they are creating little dossiers on me - about my shopping habits. I never said they weren't evil!


Written by yoni67
5009 days ago


1) Politicians seeming honest was much more comforting than not knowing they weren't

2) Google is doing that on purpose to mislead us. Showing how smart it is actually becoming would raise a red flag. It's taking over by its sneakiness.

Thanks for commenting,


Written by alinisrael
5009 days ago

17 and not published>?


Nice read Yoni

Written by yoni67
5009 days ago


It all works out in the end just like everything in life.

Glad you enjoyed the tale that I spun.


Written by ofirafromjobshuk
5009 days ago

Brilliantly done Yonatan!


Written by yoni67
5009 days ago


Thank you, though please in the future reserve the word "brilliant" for those who deserve it. For example:

Music: Curtis Mayfield, John Coltraine and Judas Priest

Literature: Harper Lee, Tom Wolfe and Alexander Kent

Modeling: Elle Macpherson!



Written by alastair
5009 days ago

Thanks for brightening up my day.

Written by yoni67
5009 days ago

Alastair, Ben and Shoshana:

Thank you for your kind words! Glad to have brightened your day and entertained with what I deem a silly little article about iPhones and iPads committing a future human genocide.


Written by ben.corporate@ILforums
5009 days ago

My day too!

A very entertaining piece which speaks volumes of your boundless creative capacity. Other bloggers take note. This is the way to go. Entertain your readers and don't just make it about business. Yonatan, you are one of a kind!


Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
5009 days ago


Again you demonstrate what an absolute creative genius you are!

Another great post which you somehow managed to tie in to business and with which you will probably gain more readers and customers!


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