Employees Build Your Brand: Oakhurst Dairy Case Study

Avatar Posted by VisibleLogic under Technology
From http://www.visiblelogic.com 3896 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on November 30, 2013 5:08 pm
Employees must embody the values of your brand when they interact with prospects and customers. See how Oakhurst Dairy in Portland, Maine is doing it right.


Written by tiroberts
3891 days ago

I really agree with this. Your employees should embody your company values and standards in order to represent your brand in the best light. Thanks for sharing your insights with us.

Written by luxrco
3896 days ago

This is a great post, and a good conversation to have here. Often people believe that customer experience is limited to either the product itself, or to the brand assets that are pushed out to the public. In truth, every interaction that a potential customer has with you will affect how they view your brand. Zappos built their whole company on the idea that great customer service would build a great brand and it worked. If the people who work for you are positive and friendly it can have a huge affect on how your brand is perceived. Naturally, the converse is true as well. When I encounter people who seem like they hate their job, I have no interest in doing business with them.

Written by luxrco
3895 days ago

I agree completely.

Written by VisibleLogic
3895 days ago

@Luxrco, thanks for your comment. I agree employee attitude is so critical. However, that can be hard to "force", in reality a brand needs to attract the right employees just like they attract customers.

Written by VisibleLogic
3896 days ago

Heather, great thoughts and questions. I think there is a place for designers to get involved with the greater scope of branding. Often they are silo'd over to work with the just marketing team and even thought of just as people who make things pretty.

But designers experienced with branding understand all of these touchpoints. They may not have the experience to know how to train all the different employees, etc. but they have a lot good ideas about connecting a visual brand with customer service, etc.

Written by HeatherStone
3896 days ago

Hi Emily,

It also says something about your company culture. As a designer, what do you think? Is there room for the concept of overall business design, a holistic approach to company culture, branding, service, marketing, communications, training, etc.? What shape would overall company design take? It would certainly require an interdisciplinary approach. I'd love to start a discussion on this topic over in the comment section on BizSugar. It would be great if you could lend your comments as well.

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