Privacy is what blogger needs to maximize learning but what if however our friends are social network addict without PC, how do we control there priority over your PC? Blocking their most visited website on our PC is the best way to go about this without any conflicts or argument...


Written by tcamba
3963 days ago

Good one. I'm a fan of Avast and I love their service. Nice tutorial also. This can be very much helpful like for my father. Very handy for parental control also.


Written by adetechblog
3963 days ago

Thanks Tcamba for this comment, in fact it is the easiest method I ever used to privatized my PC from my siblings often

Written by bigmoneyweb
3963 days ago

We really need our privacy as bloggers man and. I'm glad to have come across your post because, i just learnt something new. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by adetechblog
3962 days ago

Hi Val,

Am happy that you find this post helpful, thank you buddy!

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