Save Money on Technology

Avatar Posted by roseanderson under Technology
From 5406 days ago
Made Hot by: aliciatrinidad on October 8, 2009 9:49 pm
Recently we asked you to contribute your best real-world tips and advice for how small businesses like yours can save money by using technology, or how to save money on technology purchases.

Once again, the readers of Small Business Trends did not disappoint. The following tips and pointers represent the combined wisdom of small business owners and staff. Thank you to everyone who contributed these useful tips!


Written by lyceum
5405 days ago

Jimmi Ambrose: The post is made up of the different tips by fellow bloggers, readers, small business owners, etc. It is a collection of 51 different tips for saving money on tech stuff.

Written by JimmiAmbrose
5405 days ago

I second that. Although I disagree with #1: Buy Powerful Computers To Last Longer. Tech changes so fast that it always seems wiser to buy middle-of-the-road to save money, money you'll lose quickly within one year.

Hey, I just noticed the article actually contradicts itself because it makes my point with: Keep Your Old Computers an Extra Generation.

Written by ShawnHessinger
5405 days ago

I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite here. There are so many cool ideas for saving on technology. One thing's for sure. There are a lot of free productivity tools out there for the downloading, so it's worth looking through this list for the options that will work for you.

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