Top 20 Free and Premium WordPress Portfolio Themes

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Technology
From 4001 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on August 17, 2013 3:30 pm
In the following post you're going to discover an incredible selection of 20 of the most visually stunning and functional portfolio themes available for WordPress right now. The best of it is that this list contains both free and premium WordPress themes so you can find a great theme, no matter what your budget.


Written by dhirajdas
3996 days ago

Some really cool themes, great options especially for image based sites

Written by HeatherStone
3996 days ago

Hi Stacey,

What a wonderful and detailed roundup of WordPress themes. In the small business community, online entrepreneurs are always looking for that stylish design that will set their websites apart from all the rest. But the selection out there is so huge as to be truly intimidating. I'm wondering what specifics or characteristics you look for that will make a distinctive theme. I'd love if you could answer this one in the comment section of the BizSugar community so that all our members could get the full benefit of your insights. And thanks to Adam for sharing this post with the community!

Written by SJ_Corrin
3996 days ago

Hi Heather.

Thanks for your comment! A lot of the time it comes down to personal taste. I like a theme that offers something a bit different from what's already out there. To really make a website stand out, I believe it needs a wow factor and if it can't do that purely with the content on offer, then the look and feel of the site can go a long way to achieving it.

I'm a WordPress theme addict so I'm constantly searching the net for those little gems that are easily over-looked. For Premium Themes, I regularly check Theme Forest and the many other theme repositories out there for the latest and newest themes. I also make sure to check under the lesser known headings such as 'experimental' and 'creative'. Subscribing to blogs that specifically cater to WordPress theme users, is also a great way of staying up to date with both Premium and free themes.

Maybe I should create my own blog on the subject!

Written by bigmoneyweb
4001 days ago

An amazing collection of themes man and, I haven't heard of any of them before. There are already lots of Wordpress themes both the free and premium ones out there but, it all depends on individual wants. We should also be careful when choosing a theme because, some of them also has some security risks. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


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