Looking at Web 3.0 as semantic (=meaning), implies information interconnected more intelligently, based on what we could simplify as the idea of folksonomy or “tagging” (but in a more automatic than what we are used to until now). This intelligence makes information more readily available to everyone and makes things relevant the information seeker.


Written by ShawnHessinger
5353 days ago

All pretty interesting especially in the area of tagging. But bringing in the idea of crowd sourcing, I wonder if some of the "intelligence" added to the way meaning is organized might not be accomplished through the efforts of users much in the way bookmarking and social sites now enable users to impose their own meaning on the materials they find online.

Written by lyceum
5353 days ago

Facundo: Do you think the new web phase will be called Web 3.0 or web2 ("web squared")?

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