Whether you publish on your blog daily or weekly, consistency is one of the most vital ingredients for achieving success in blogging. If you’ve ever wondered how some of the top bloggers are able to create high quality content on their blogs on a regular basis, it’s simply because they’ve develope Read More

My 5 Biggest Disappointments of 2013: A Time to Reflect

My 5 Biggest Disappointments of 2013: A Time to Reflect - http://www.socialsinergy.com Avatar Posted by adukes81 under Strategy
From http://www.socialsinergy.com 3839 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on January 1, 2014 8:38 pm
In this post I share with you my 5 biggest disappointments of 2013 and how I plan to improve in 2014 and beyond. Read More

Top 10 Business Trends for 2014

Top 10 Business Trends for 2014  - http://www.smbceo.com Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Strategy
From http://www.smbceo.com 3839 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on December 31, 2013 7:33 pm
Business in 2014 is bound to be more vibrant, connected and tech savvy. Here's how things are set to be in the year to come. Read More

5 New Year’s Resolutions That Might Actually Work

5 New Year’s Resolutions That Might Actually Work - http://danariely.com Avatar Posted by thelostagency under Strategy
From http://danariely.com 3839 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on December 31, 2013 7:29 pm
A normal day in our life might look like this: The alarm clock buzzes. We hit snooze twice and steal another 16 minutes. As we get into the office, yesterday’s work crisis weighs heavily on our mind, but instead we log in and check Facebook for a while. After that, we dip in and out of meetings, ch Read More

Critical Business Mistakes to Avoid in the Coming Year

Critical Business Mistakes to Avoid in the Coming Year  - http://www.smbceo.com Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Strategy
From http://www.smbceo.com 3842 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on December 30, 2013 6:35 pm
Let us take a quick look at 3 of the common mistakes, and misperceptions that can cut the lifeline between you and your bottom line in the next twelve months. Read More
Most businesses fail to scale up. Here are three obstacles you need to blast through if you want your business to grow. Read More

Holiday Reading - James Bond to the rescue?

Holiday Reading - James Bond to the rescue?  - http://catarinasworld.com Avatar Posted by CatarinasWorld under Strategy
From http://catarinasworld.com 3847 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on December 29, 2013 2:37 pm
Sometimes when I read the news it seems like a script to a new James Bond movie. So where is Bond when we need him? Read More
Is blogging a hype way of building a lucrative business? This question is one which many businesses are asking based on the number of blogs inhabiting the blogosphere.

The answer is no especially when done right.
This is because blogging has so many benefits.
Before diving into the awesome ben Read More

Being partial to people who build things

Being partial to people who build things - http://www.michaelhartzell.com Avatar Posted by michaelhartzell under Strategy
From http://www.michaelhartzell.com 3846 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on December 28, 2013 2:34 pm
Boeing builds airplanes, Newcastle Systems builds mobile carts with power, Tillamook makes cheeses and ice cream and Brown & Haley creates the most amazing confections. People who work for such companies have my appreciation and respect. What they do is taken for granted by the typical consumer Read More

A history of man rejecting technology. One big lesson to learn.

A history of man rejecting technology.  One big lesson to learn. - http://www.resolvcrm.com Avatar Posted by LukeRussell under Strategy
From http://www.resolvcrm.com 3846 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on December 28, 2013 2:20 pm
The reality is that change is a necessary part of our lives and certainly a necessary part of business. As leaders, we need to become the organizational symbol of change and encourage our employees to search out improvements in our processes. We need to be proactive in finding a new and different Read More

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