Information on the difference between text messaging and email features on cell phones. Read More

Where to Find Open Data on the Web - ReadWriteWeb

Avatar Posted by Aaronontheweb under News
From 6016 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 11, 2008 2:22 pm
A comprehensive listing of sites with publicly available data to be used for programming or even marketing research and analysis. Read More

Time's Running Out for Windows XP

Avatar Posted by mssux under Technology
From 6015 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 11, 2008 1:13 pm
Whether you're running the Home or Professional version of Microsoft's Windows XP operating system, keep these dates in mind. June 30, 2008: If your mind's set on using XP (like 60-plus percent of these poll-takers), this is the last day Microsoft will let hardware vendors and retailers install it on new computers, other than on budget-minde Read More

Bad Security Week for Apple

Avatar Posted by mssux under Technology
From 6016 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 9, 2008 8:29 pm
Public embarrassment at a hacking contest and vulnerability disclosures for a new browser made for a discouraging week for Mac security folks. Read More

How to Keep Your Computer Organized

Avatar Posted by dlanders under Technology
From 6018 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 8, 2008 1:33 am
Here's something I think more of us can relate to as technology improves! “Where did I put that document?” is often a common plaint when desks are stacked with piles of paper. However the same thing may happen with our electronic files even though, being out of sight, they don't scream for organization. The best way of handling electronic doc Read More

Coupons, Discounts Drive Consumer Spending During Recession

Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under News
From 6018 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 7, 2008 3:55 pm
In an economic recession consumers tend to cut budgets but, if provided discounts, they will buy - 54% of adults say they would reduce discretionary spending, and 63% say they would not make a purchase if a deal isn't available - according to a Harris Interactive survey. Fully 86% of adults surveyed say they have used coupons or discount codes Read More

Life on the Edge: Learning from Facebook

Avatar Posted by digitalsmash under Technology
From 6021 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 6, 2008 7:44 pm
The social network provides important lessons for executives—and a key forum for innovation and experimentation Read More

Adobe's Free Photoshop Express - Good, But Not Perfect

Avatar Posted by TerryJackson under Technology
From 6022 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 5, 2008 2:55 am
From article: I've tried out nearly all online photo editors, and although some were good, I wasn't perfectly satisfied with any of them. Adobe's online, lightweight version of Photoshop, dubbed Adobe Photoshop Express, unfortunately falls under the same category, although it's one of the sleekest such applications out there. First thing you Read More

Go Green, Save Lives!

Avatar Posted by luckycharmer under Technology
From 6023 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 4, 2008 9:01 pm
Not only can going green save you money, but it's a great way to give something back to your country. Our country is at war; young American men and women are fighting and dying every day in Iraq. Not wanting to make this a political position piece, I will go so far as to state that the war in Iraq has something to do with oil. And what is oil? Read More

New websites allow your clients to set appointments online

Avatar Posted by alphalife under Technology
From 6023 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 2, 2008 3:05 pm
THE e-commerce bandwagon bypassed millions of carpenters, massage therapists, lawyers and other service providers, mostly because it is impossible to drop an appointment into a shopping cart without unleashing a scheduling nightmare. Now that a set of Internet start-up companies has emerged to help solve this problem, though, small businesses c Read More

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