12 Things You Should Do After Writing A Blog Post

Avatar Posted by DiTesco under Rock Your Biz
From http://www.iblogzone.com 4385 days ago
Made Hot by: LadySophy on July 25, 2012 4:41 am
Writing content is great, but for people to appreciate what you have to offer, they obviously must know that it exists. Here are some tips to promote your posts


Written by ediapercakes
4367 days ago

Where can you find someone to make a info-graphic?

Written by elainerogers
4375 days ago

Congratulations on your RockYourBiz win Francisco,

BizSugar provides great content, and it's wonderful to have your posts delivered directly here for us to read, learn from and benefit from. Thank you and well done!

Written by HeatherStone
4375 days ago

Congratulations, Francisco, on being one of our "Rock Your Biz" blogging contest winners! I'd like to thank you personally for participating--you were one of our more prolific entrants--there was so much good content we all hardly new what to read first!

Also, I really like the topic of this post. A lot of the time bloggers are so focused on the post itself that they don't consider what comes after and follow through that would make a good post a great one.

I'm glad that our members, new and old, will see this and other posts from you and benefit. It makes us proud here at BizSugar to be able to offer that kind of value to our members.

Again, Congrats on your excellent win!

Heather Stone

Chief Moderator


Written by nialldevitt
4375 days ago

Congratulations Francisco! Great content and comments from the community – we hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did here at BizSugar. Thanks to Heather and the team for their great work and the sponsors for providing us with such great prizes.

Written by sevenroots
4378 days ago

The tips is really useful and fresh for me. Especially tips #9 and #12. I never have any idea about it before. Asking other blogger may be a bit silly, but that will be worthy to try.

Thanks for sharing it here DiTesco, other posts on it is cool too :)

Written by smpayton
4379 days ago

Love the tips. I'm always amazed at how much people will share a post for me if I just ask!

Susan Payton

Written by reneeradia
4382 days ago

Great tip about adding blog posts to newsletters going to customers. I immediately contacted our account manager and asked her to include some of our best posts each month when she touches base with customers via email. Not sure why I didn't think of that before!

Written by DiTesco
4380 days ago

Sometimes, it is the small details that we often overlook. Can't say that I am not guilty myself of not doing "certain" things occasionally :)

Written by mingjong
4384 days ago

Promoting a blog post is equally important (if not more) than writing a blog post :)

Written by DiTesco
4382 days ago

I agree, but you still have to write a post to promote it :) Thanks for taking the time to comment

Written by BizRock
4384 days ago

Really great tips! If people are too lazy to do all this tips or even half of them, they shouldn't have to write their blog post at all. That is clear like mountain water. :)

Thank you for sharing here at BizSugar!

Written by DiTesco
4383 days ago

Welcome. I'm really glad you found this useful

Written by Sian Phillips
4385 days ago

Great tips. I'm often amazed at people who don't utilise as much as possible to get their blog read. It's not as if we're writing just for our own pleasure. Thanks for sharing on Bizsugar.com - another great way to get it seen :)

Written by DiTesco
4382 days ago

Hi Sian. Thanks for leaving your thoughts here and on my blog :) Have a nice day

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