Yes, content is still king in the world of internet marketing. But with the ever changing world of search engine algorithms, knowing what to post and when to post is a challenge most small businesses fear. Here are 4 tips to keep your content timeless against search engine updates.


Written by cconrad
4399 days ago

Thanks for an interesting article. Content is still king - just not exactly like in the old times. I am keen to see how content marketing develops in an increasingly mobile world/web.

Written by nialldevitt
4405 days ago

Start by listening to your audience/customers is great advice and the great thing you can also do this offline if you like. Pick up the phone or meet you’re your customers and ask them about the content that they would find most valuable. Really defining and writing for your audience is the best way to get results. Thanks for entering the Rock Your Biz contest and Good luck.

Written by Sian Phillips
4407 days ago

Interesting post. I especially like the part about listening to your audience as it makes complete sense. If they like what you write and therefore keep on reading, spend more time on your site and hopefully share the link too then Google's algorithms can be beaten. Thanks for sharing on

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