How To Apply The Olympic Mind-Set To Your Social Media Marketing

Avatar Posted by Whelanbe under Rock Your Biz
From 4395 days ago
Made Hot by: JimmyJams on July 15, 2012 4:02 am
With the Olympics almost upon us we will see a flurry of sporting activity as people are inspired by the great efforts and achievements of the sports people taking part.Here are my thoughts on how you can apply the Olympic mind-set to your social media marketing.


Written by elainerogers
4394 days ago

Hi Beatrice,

I love your analogy for a Social Media campaign and strategy, esp your last point, which at first glance may contradict the earlier points. But emotional and mental rest are imperative.

Rather than going full hog until total burnout, it's a good idea to take a whole day off, or two as you suggest. This will not be noticed as much, esp as tweets can scheduled and feed into FB for a day or two. Responsible self care and care of our success of going for gold.

Great post - thank you!

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