
Avatar Posted by Lorna6 under Rock Your Biz
From 4394 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizwoman on July 16, 2012 4:45 am
Knowledge of etiquette is required to maximise your usage, return and enjoyment of all the social media platforms. This blog post provides information and advice for the appropriate etiquette for pinterest, one of the most popular 'new' social media tools.


Written by Marie Ennis
4388 days ago

Lorna, you know that I call you the queen of Pinterest - you really have everything we need to know about capitalizing on this platform for our business success!

Written by Lorna6
4385 days ago

Aw, thank you Marie :)

Written by lyceum
4394 days ago

Great tips on Pinterest. I will pin this post! :)

Written by elainerogers
4394 days ago

It's great to read tips from those in the know - I haven't embraced Pinterest as much as the other mediums, but that may be related to the type of business I am in.

As I am developing my new online business, Pinterest becomes more important - and these tips are great - thanks Lorna

Written by Sian Phillips
4395 days ago

I love these tips Lorna as although I love using Pinterest I know I'm not using it to good effect. Thanks for sharing on and good luck in the Rock Your Biz contest

Written by Lorna6
4394 days ago

Thank you Sian and for your tweets too :) and now hoping that my avatar has saved and will show up as I publish this comment :)

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