As a business owner, you pay a lot of attention to the look of your business, whether it’s a beautifully designed website, polished product displays or a glossy brochure. But the words you choose to describe your business can have just as powerful an effect on your customers


Written by ajayjoya
5154 days ago

nice words ! thanks

Written by Barneyausten
5244 days ago

What a really useful set of words. Thanks a million!

Written by CindyKing
5245 days ago

I like to be on the receiving end of "you" if I like the rest. But I find it hardest to use :)

Written by billrice
5246 days ago

Niall, I agree with "enable" as a concept, but every time I hear it in a real sales call it makes my toes curl. I think buyer are now conditioning to flag that statement as suspect. I am going to go with Wchingya on this one--the most powerful statements to me are ones that start out with "You" and end with results.

Another great Sugartone article. I'm loving these!


Written by wchingya
5246 days ago

'You' can easily raise everyone's attention to take notice of the message; while 'Essential' is another smart word, for everyone hates to miss something so important, bound to head in for a look. It's all human nature. Marketers can be one heck of a psychologist. :)


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Written by nialldevitt
5246 days ago

I really like "Enable" or perhaps more importantly the idea behind it. Too often we focus of what we can do rather than what we can enable the customer to do/achieve.

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