I think I’d say no. I may have more knowledge, but very often it is that knowledge that holds me back. Yes, children make great inspirational business coaches..


Written by CindyKing
5246 days ago

Thanks for the read Greg! So how can we stay young in our approach?

Written by careerscoach
5240 days ago

Listen and watch! So often solutions are there under our noses and we don't see them. Also surroud ourselves with "young" minds.

Written by CColeman
5246 days ago

If I want a straight, no-frills, truthful answer to the "does my butt look big" type of questions, I ask my 7 year old son. He tells the truth as he sees it, without over-thinking the answer or the implications of giving that answer.

Great take-away: "So If you don’t have children, find a friend or family member who does and invite yourself around one weekend for some cost effective business coaching." I'll bet most of us could learn a great deal about ourselves and our businesses if we took the time to listen!

Written by careerscoach
5246 days ago

Thanks for your comment. Yes you have to love children's honesty, even when the answer is not what you were hoping to hear.

Written by wchingya
5247 days ago

"I may have more knowledge, but very often it is that knowledge that holds me back." -- this quote pretty much sum up the whole article. I couldn't agree more for we probably 'think' too much that made us refused to move from our comfort zone. As much there is a necessity to be cautious, but life without taking chances is not really a wise choice either. :) I'll say learn from the kids, plus our experience as an adult, together we can really make miracles happen.

Kids are always the source of inspirations, no doubt.

Written by careerscoach
5246 days ago

Thanks for your comment. You are right - "I may have more knowledge, but very often it is that knowledge that holds me back." pretty much sums it up. As CColmen said above children are blatantly honest too.

Written by nialldevitt
5247 days ago

Greg, you are quickly becoming Mr. Inspiration, what another truly wonderful reminder - particularly in these times when it is all too easy to lose sight why we should be getting up in the morning. Great business people have an ability to see business lessons in all aspects of their life, they understand that learning is all around so long as you keep your eyes and ears open.

Written by McLaughlin
5247 days ago

Something that kids should understand by time they are 14, it will not just help them when they are old like us, but also help in high school and college.

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