How Can I Look "Amazing" On LinkedIn?

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From 5077 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on September 2, 2010 1:05 pm
Invest more time in developing your LinkedIn profile and demonstrate why you are “Amazing” at doing what you do! Here are 15 things to help.......


Written by mpj
5070 days ago

A very useful article Greg...Well summed up!

Written by Cyclesure
5070 days ago

Hi Greg,

Another great article and keep up the good work. Thanks for making it easier to get the most of LinkedIn.


Written by alastair
5070 days ago

Thanks for some strong advice. I am looking into re-arranging my profile now.

Written by Hardy
5070 days ago

well done greg..keep up the good work

Written by ann_donnelly
5071 days ago

This is a great post Greg, thanks! Many people put minimal time into LinkedIn as it's not as 'sexy' as Twitter or 'friendly' as Facebook. I'm guilty of this myself. These are some great tips and you've included all the steps needed to get the job done. I've done nearly all of them, but do need to put more time in on communicating in groups and make more effort connecting offline. Answering questions is also a good way to show how 'amazing' you are.

Written by evgeniyaem
5071 days ago

Greg, great that you share your expertise and real knowledge with us!Very helpful pieces of advice.Thank you

Written by tm2204
5071 days ago

Excellent article Greg. Very informative, as usual.

Written by paddygahan
5071 days ago

Greg great article. sound simple advice and tips Paddy

Written by dfeenan
5071 days ago


Linkedin should offer you a job. Excellent article that will appeal to all standards of users.

Written by catherineconnors
5072 days ago

Great post Greg and a must read for anyone who wishes to make their profile more 'amazing', I'll be taking some of your points on-board.....

Written by careerscoach
5072 days ago

Thanks for the comments Catherine:)

Written by KenOConnorData
5072 days ago

Hi Greg,

Well done on an excellent article.

I plan to review my own LinkedIn profile, as a matter of urgency, against each of your well articulated guidelines.

I teach an adult education class, on "get more out of Google, and the internet". I explain the benefits of a LinkedIn Profile - I will be referring my students to your excellent article in future.

Rgds Ken

Data Consultancy Blog:

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Twitter ID:

Written by DeirdreMooney
5072 days ago


Excellent article - very informative, nothing too complicated just practical and zero-cost advice.

My kind of information.

Well Done,

You've got my vote.



Written by careerscoach
5072 days ago


Really appreciate the kind words on wet and windy Monday morning:)


Written by Terri Ream
5073 days ago


Very good article. LinkedIn is a great resource for small business. I will be sharing your articles with others getting started.

Written by careerscoach
5072 days ago

Thanks for the comment Terri. Glad you liked the article.

Written by nialldevitt
5074 days ago

Hi Greg, you are building up a super collection on LinkedIn articles, I would ask first time readers to check out some of your others - they won't regret it! This next statement may make me unpopular but hey! In my opinion LinkedIn is the most misunderstood and probably the worst used of all the social media. The reason: because it is used by business people and a very large portion of them don't have a clue yet plough on regardless.

5076 days ago


Written by careerscoach
5076 days ago

Delighted you liked it. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions on it.



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