Start Relaxing To Make Your Business Amazing

Avatar Posted by bloggertone under SugarTone
From 5072 days ago
Made Hot by: GSheehy on September 7, 2010 2:06 pm
The small business owner (or free-lancer) is often the sole person responsible for time management, tasks, projects, deadlines, paperwork and what seems like five million other responsibilities that can have a tendency...


Written by onreact
5065 days ago

Everything in this post is true but such posts can't really help you make any difference unless you start small. Doing it all, the work, the healthy food, the exercise, the sleep, you'd need like 48h day. In the end you can achieve this, I've finally made it after years but it took dozens of small steps. You can't just switch over night.

Written by ShawnHessinger
5065 days ago

Amen. But it is something to shoot for :)

Written by nialldevitt
5070 days ago

Great post Catherine & a timely reminder to us during these stressful times. I really like your point about havng a good support network and I think its critical to use this network to share problems, seek solutions or just to have someone to talk to. Thanks for sharing, Niall

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