Thanks to the recent economic carnage, the fear of shopping is keeping many buyers out of the marketplace and it's up to business owners to make it safe again for customers to do business with them.


Written by nialldevitt
5245 days ago

Hi Gerard, Love the post! Let's listen to our customers and give them what they want rather than what we think they want. "Toss out the jargon and make your offer in layman’s terms" In the suspicious times we live this is great great advice. Cheers, Niall

Written by billrice
5246 days ago

Building confidence in buyers is a critical step in the sales process today. This is why I teach a multiple target approach to selling into larger organizations and bigger ticket items. The goal is to get three or more people at different levels talking about your solution. This, if you get it to happen, dramatically lowers the internal risk to buy.

Wchingya, you are so right that buyers have to see the quality right off the bat--that is a big confidence boost. Like Niall says the value has to be there at any price. Buyer want a return--ASAP--the price is only a factor in the calculation.

Great discussion!

Written by wchingya
5246 days ago

As a consumer, I am aware of the fear of spending. It could be the outcome of a recession, unstable financial status and many more real life situations that contributed to this problem. Money has been, and always will be a sensitive issue. Quality and Trust are two important factors people will consider before deciding whether a value is well paid. Therefore, branding management is required, including relationship building and testimonials that are gradually becoming references for others on how reliable is the service. It takes a lot more effort to convince the shoppers nowadays, definitely.

Written by nialldevitt
5246 days ago

Something that appears to be confused at the moment is the difference between being competitive and having value. In other words, we are in danger of obsessing about price at the risk of not concerning ourselves enough with providing value. Value or the perception of is very mush a personal thing, for pitching (a word I don't like by the way) should be about first listening and then personalizing the sales experience for the individual.

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