Breakdown of the increasing trends in automation and what this means for the future. The prospect of long term jobs does not look good. Read More
With their freemium pricing model, SaaS business applications have upended the software licensing paradigm. Cloud apps have hastened its demise. Although legacy systems are still available, small businesses and large organizations are clearly moving towards a business model underscored by free or e Read More
With more than 300,000 employees in over 90 countries, HP is a large company by anyone’s standards. This size and scale allows them to make an impact in a way that smaller organizations cannot. Read More
The holidays tend to complicate small business payrolls, what with employees looking to earn a little extra cash and owners needing coverage for extended hours or shifts. But not all employers must pay overtime and not all employees are eligible. Confused? Here’s what you need to know about your ob Read More
Richard Branson Doesn't Do Everything In His Businesses So Why Should You! Make Yourself Dispensable.
Want to grow your micro business? Then you need to identify and outsource tasks which just aren't worth you doing. Find out why NOW. Read More
There are loads of business lessons you can learn from the penguins. Here are 5 behaviours you and I should learn from when it comes to business. Read More
Whenever I see children, I think about how easy their life is. And I remember, when I was a kid, life was indeed much easier and simpler. My needs were met and I was happy. And now that I’ve become an adult, things have certainly become much more complicated, even though life should still be easy. Read More
Millions of people set out on the voyage of being an entrepreneur with a business idea.

Some venture out with their family business while others turn entrepreneurs from professionals in the same industry where they had expertise in.

It is always good to startup your own business however wheth Read More
If you want to go into business and entrepreneurship, you need a clear vision of the future.

You need to analyse the trends to come and the evolutions of society to profit from them.

Here are 4 indicators of economic development helping you to foresee potential business opportunities. Read More
As we are now into a new month, and looking forward to a new year, this is the time to begin to think and plan for what you would like to accomplish in your life. Whether it is for your personal life, your career or for your business, having some tangible goals will keep you motivated and moving fo Read More

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