Americans expect to have a feeling of control about their work, and a sense of ownership. They may feel that this is lacking when they work with a supervisor who is very hands-on. From their perspective, it often feels like Japanese managers like to interfere too much in the work at hand. Read More
The ability to handle workplace conflict is one of the most important parts of being a good leader. Leadership is serious business, and at some point in your career you will be called upon to make tough decisions. Read More
As a solo entrepreneur, have you taken some time to reflect on you health and stress situation? I got a wake up call the other day when I did an oxidative stress test and an arterial pulse waveform analysis. The conclusion is that I need to take better care of my body, including my heart. Read More
Business people all over the world need to be aware of a wide range of employment laws and how they impact employment procedures and practices. Read More
Failed CEO, Carly Fiorina, with a $40m retirement package, says union pensions too high!

You might remember Fiorina from the days when she worked at HP, and was sent packing in 2005 with a whopping $40 million severance benefits package. Was that “fair,” Carly?

Fiorina is widely considered on Read More
Life is not meant to be lived switching between work mode and zone-out mode, yet so many of us live out our days with no more aspiration than to make it home to our couches. Read More
Rather we are talking business or personal, there is nothing that can insight more fear and dread than BILLS! Let’s just face the truth. Read More
Your Sales are dropping, customers are sparse, and employees twiddle their thumbs (whatever that looks like). First gut reaction; cut costs! Whoever said that you should always follow your gut had no clue. Let’s follow this thought through. My sales have dropped so I am going to cut needed resource Read More
As a busy entrepreneur, do you find yourself constantly battling sweet cravings? Do you have frustratingly low energy levels in the middle of the day? If so, you are not alone. Many entrepreneurs seek out sugary snacks during the day, as a way to boost energy levels and reduce stress. Read More
Here are three tips to adhere to when trying to create the best possible business conference experience. Make sure those in attendance leave with more knowledge than when they walked in the door and that a nice time was had by all. Read More

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