How do you become happier this early in life? What do you have to do? There are several ways to become happier with the life you are living and one of these is to be contented. Read More
Got a great idea that just needs some devoted time to flesh out? Heather Robson has the perfect way to get that new idea off the ground and running. Read More
Knowing your course of action in advance not only helps you accomplish your tasks, it helps you do it faster. John Wood tells you how to make checklists a part of your writer's life. Read More
This week, we talked about the importance of reading for writers … Reading is essential for relaxing, recharging, and enhancing creativity. While I usually recommend fiction books for down time, Michael Masterson's new book, The Reluctant Entrepreneur, fits nicely into the inspirational category as Read More
Just recently, my son turned 1 year old. This inspired me to write a post about what I have learned about productivity during the last 365+ days. Read More
Today, there are multitudes of people out there seeking jobs without any major or formal area of specialization. Sure, they have a general business degree, but no area of specialization in business or specialized training of any kind. Read More
Leads, prospects, clients and contacts are all linked with successful networking, when it comes to owning a business or being part of one it’s always important to work on your networking abilities and aim to attend a lot of them. Read More
As you build your successful blog, and as you establish relationships with staff writers, you will need to coordinate their efforts. This is especially important when you have multiple writers. Read More
It happens, to more of us than not.  If it hasn’t happened to you, consider yourself lucky with a handful of envious competitors giving you the evil eye.  For the rest of us, we know business can be rocky and bumpy. We start our business, we take care of the necessary legal things, we rustle up a f Read More
Ever have one of those days where the whole world just seems to be falling down around you and you don’t even know why? I have felt that way for the last few weeks. If productivity was a currency, I would be over my head in debt. Each day, I wake up planning to get a thousand things done, yet some Read More

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