This is an segment from an interview with Gregg Fairbrothers who wrote From Idea to Success. In this segment Gregg discusses Where Can I Find Employees. Read More
Think positive and everything will work out fine. But is negative thinking really that powerful to exact poor results from work or personal life?

According to a study in Australia proved that negative thinking does have some benefits and can even lead people to be more productive. Read More
Don’t let your current economic reality overwhelm the running of your business. Waiting too long to make a decision to get help can have a detrimental effect on your business’ ability to move forward. Read More
E-mail is one of the most important ways to communicate nowadays.

There are certain “rules” to remember, so that the communication is as effective as possible.

By using these small tweaks in your messaging, you can communicate your message more efficiently. Read More
Since the publish date (of 05/12/09) this post of mine has been viewed 40,400+ times, received nearly 100 FB "likes", and helped thousands of managers (and those studying management) become better leaders. Read More
It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to work from home. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to get any work done while the kids are on summer vacation or if you have a toddler. Having a nanny there to care for the children while you work can really help but this, too, can pose a challenge. Read More
Whether you're considering strategy or vision, expectations or needs, short-term or over the long-run, the success of almost any business startup is in the planning. With a family-run business the planning process is even more vital. You need to build a sturdy bridge over any troubled waters. Read More
Healthy collaboration is the key to success for any business. By employees working closely together to achieve common goals, loyalty and performance increase. So how can you promote collaboration in your workplace? Click here for 5 tips to grow your business through collaboration. Read More
This article outlines some of the principle attributes that can be adhered to to ensure the successful management of a project Read More
We all remember learning about the importance of diversification and how it most commonly balances an individual or business’ risk/reward. Although this may be true, be sure you, or your business, are not taking this too far. Read More

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