When cutting costs, think twice before cutting employee benefits in your small business. In this article from the SCORE Website, nationally known small business expert Rieva Lesonsky insists costs should be cut just about everywhere else before considering eliminating benefits your employees look forward to. You will loose more in productivity and morale among employees then you will save on your Read More
Big companies can become arrogant. Most find false security in the “size” of the company. They can’t escape the old thinking that suggest “size matters”. The same thinking can bring them into ruins.

Don’t become a dinosaur. Act small and keep the “entrepreneurial spirit” burning.
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The legal structure that you choose for your new company (NewCo) has important consequences in terms of liability protection, double taxation, funding as well as other things. This article is a primer on the subject. Read More
Profit margins are key to business success. Project managers need to be aware of their importance and business owners must not be afraid of them. Read More
One major question I get asked all the time is, “How do I make my company visible?” I answer this the same way all the time, think outside the box. When I tell people this, they look at me like I have 3 heads. What I mean by the comment is, do something to make [...]
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During a recent radio show interview, the host made a passing comment that struck a chord for me. She said something like this: Sometimes the biggest asset you bring to your company can become your most limiting factor. Since I do a great deal of work helping people discover and release limitations, her comment rang true.

Is it possible that the very thing that makes you an asset to your com Read More
For most people, this question is a hard one. Firstly, because we usually want both: more money and more time off. And secondly, whether we plan it this way or not... Read More
Inspiration often precedes innovation, a topic I love. This is my third installment on the subject.  The first is titled, “2010: The Year o Read More
Great example about how the way you handle quality problems can cause you to either lose clients or gain a competitive advantage. Read More
There is always things in business that we are not comfortable with. It's important to consider the benefits and this will help drive you to complete the task. Read More

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