Job Hunting can be difficult in a tough economy and it can feel like the world is against you. Some advice to help you maintain momentum towards your goals. Read More
I read the 4-Hour Workweek not too long after it came out. I bought a copy for my dad, recommended it to my friends and generally considered it a solid inspirational piece. But as its popularity has grown and Tim Ferriss has effectively become synonymous with words like ‘lifestyle design’ and ‘productivity,’ I’ve noticed a serious problem. Read More
As you may or may not know, this month we've been talking about how remarkable is the new tourism marketing.  Lame products and services aren't good enough anymore. In this interview with the kind folks from Nova Scotia's Remarkable Coast, we'll explore how good hospitality is about being social and making connections. Read More
One of the biggest misconceptions is that all stress is bad. Think of a time you had a tough deadline to meet; adrenaline pumping, ultimate focus and your ability to work through got you there... Read More
Don’t bother waiting for the perfect time or conditions, because they will never arrive. (Believe me, I've been there many times, I am sure you have also!) Waiting for the perfect time is the perfect excuse for doing nothing! Read More
Most entrepreneurs do extensive planning and research before starting a business. But, after they get everything up and running, they tend to fall back into a natural bias for action mode. Once your business has been launched, it doesn’t mean your days as a strategist are finished. In fact, they are just beginning. Read More
Negotiation is not a business tactic that everyone is going to be comfortable with. Reasons vary: It can be intimidating to tell a client or a vendor something that he doesn't want to hear. It can be a matter of cultural comfort zones — while some cultures encourage negotiations, others view the negotiation process as not much better than an argument. To be a successful business owner, however, i Read More
The recent blast of snow and wintry conditions has highlighted how unprepared the Ireland and the UK was for the weather front. With schools closed and employees unable to get to work it is the hosted solutions that keep businesses going. Read More
It may take a moment to digest the full wisdom of this brilliant distinction. However, for businesses in the future, it's not going to be a case of what is the cost; but more about the value we bring. Read More
Most cities and/or counties require you to have a business license and/or permit. Check with your local government municipalities to find out what the requirements are for where you live. Depending on where you live, you should be able to get this information from your local courthouse or townhall. Read More

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