Market research is key to ensuring your business stays up to date. Competitor analysis along with an understanding of consumer trends is vital to ensuring your continued business success. Ask Dr Evil what it's like to be out of touch! Read More
I am giving up “giving up” for Lent …. Givng Up is the easy option. Advice to practice persistence and help reject rejection. Read More
There are many obstacles that prevent us from progressing in business and some are fairly obvious: Time, Money, Support, Energy... Read More
What do you like most about running your own business?  Anita received some standard answers, but this research survey report gives a ton of info you'll want to read if you work with or market to small biz owners. Read More
This simple, FREE on-line application will help you manage your staff in a more effective and rational way. We developed for our own usage and made freely available on the Net. Practical goal-management guide is included. Read More
The Back of The Napkin is Dan Roam’s follow up to his popular The Back of the Napkin (Expanded Edition): Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures . The main idea behind Dan’s books is that we can solve business... Read More
There is a lot of mis-understanding and confusion out there about Coaching and what it actually is... Read More
One of the first decisions you will make as a new small business owner is to determine your business strategy. Your business strategy will spell out your choices of inventory, your approach towards your business, and how you will steer the business. Read More
Being an employer can be a wonderfully enriching experience. However, there is one aspect of being a boss that few (if any) employers relish: firing an employee. Firing employees can be particularly difficult where an employer has developed a personal relationship with an employee, or where an employee has served a company for a number of years. Here are some tips to consider when firing any empl Read More
Despite the work of campaigners and legislators there remains a massive, massive under-representation of women in senior positions, an online resource for female entrepreneurs says. Karen Gill founder of Every woman explains that the situation today is not one of 'blatant sexual discrimination', but a disparity between male and female salaries as well as the unequal proportions of men and women i Read More

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